August at a Glance
I don't even know why this photo was taken but I look to be cutting canvases behind me lol. BUT I will say that I can't stop wearing these joggers. They are SO insanely comfortable and under $50. I got them in the sale and it looks like a few of the colors and sizes are starting to get restocked! 1000000% worth it right now.
I'm super excited about these little needleminders for my store (opening September 14!). I love little things like this and they *spark joy*
Whenever we go to Andrew's parents, I use it as an excuse to dress up and feel somewhat normal. I literally have nowhere else to go, so I just go all out when I can. Outfit details are here.
I shot my apartment!!!
And a big part of that was cleaning it up to look good in photos. We're trying to get someone to take over our lease so we needed to stage it! Little did I know people would be up in arms over where Andrew's stuff is!! Most of it was in the tub for the shoot but also in his drawers, in the closets, and on the shelves too! When we were shooting, Allie asked to shoot the inside of the shower and I was like, uhhhh that's not going to happen.
This skirt did not get enough love this summer! It's currently fully in stock and on sale for $25 and I personally love and recommend it. J. Crew skirts are the best (I'm wearing a size 6!)
File this under *transitioning to fall when it's still 100 degrees out* (outfit details here)
Lots of product shooting for the store, including these scissors! The blue and white are obviously my favorite but they're all so fun to use!
Here is a cute picture of Dixie.
I had some of the WORST acne I've had in years this month.
I think it was due to stress, heat, and wearing a mask. It was so bad. I didn't know what to do with myself! I just let it run its course and I've switched a few things up, and now (weirdly), my skin has NEVER looked better.
Issa cute look!! This was a really special day too! (outfit details here)
Mask chains are THE accessory of 2020 that EVERYONE must own. They are seriously the best invention ever.
While these photos seem to be taken on the same day I promise you they aren't lol. They're more my "OV dress" look. I totally bought into the hype of these dresses. I love them, I really do. I just wish there was a little flap or something so I didn't have to get fully naked to go to the bathroom!
The Nordstrom Sale and content led me to wear makeup multiple days in a row. I honestly kind of missed it. It was fun to take time to do this and feel pretty for an hour or so. I've been trying new things and I love to do makeup!
Another major favorite from the Nordstrom sale! So excited to style this for fall.
More Dixie content.
I just can't with how cute she is sometimes. Lord help me when I have kids hahah.
Another store item (lots of things happened in August!) and who knew I could get so excited over tape? This tape will go around the edges of the canvas to prevent it from fraying but also to look cute. It's not as much fun actually applying the tape, but the whole family has been working hard on getting it done!
An organized closet is *chef's kiss* a bringer of joy.
This is my favorite canvas of the launch! Easily one of the most memorable moments in Sex and The City.
I was pleasantly surprised by how much I liked these booties. Will I actually get to wear them this fall? TBD, but one day I will be walking down the street in them and I'll look hella fly. (color cloud suede)
I had some notes to spend at Nordstrom and I decided to splurge on the Clé de Peau Beauté Concealer (which I technically only paid $20 for), and damn I wish it wasn't so good. I GET IT NOW. I'll put it on and it's like night and day. The left of the picture is with it and the right is without.
I've been looking for a signet ring for some time now, and I couldn't seem to figure out what I wanted (or justify paying a pretty penny for one). So I was looking for a cheaper option and found this ring for under $60 that monograms for free. I was like, YEP sign me up. It's actually been holding up really well. I liked it so much I bought it in another size so I can play around with what finger I want to wear it on.
We went to our rental in Brigantine, NJ and this place gets some of the best sunsets!
It was a really special night for the family too so it was fun to see the sky show off for us.
While I had a great vacation, I will admit that I spent a lot of time working on needlepoint kits for the store. It was something that was a necessity for me to offer, but wowow I didn't quite realize the time needed to complete all of this!
Another picture at the beach wearing my new Peter Beaton hat (c/o)
Woke up to a BEAUTIFUL day and took some time to really soak in this view. Sometimes I take it for granted and I need to remind myself not to do that. It's the best part of this apartment.
And I'll leave you with more snuggles with Dixie. I swear she goes to Andrew to play and comes to me to snuggle. I've created somewhat of a monster too. When I go to bed, she won't stop until she's up against me under the covers and my arm wrapped around her. It's really cute and I love it but sometimes I just wanna sleep!!