
December Q&A

December Q&A

I wanted to finish answering the rest of the questions from last night's Q&A on Instagram stories! There were a lot of questions I didn't get to and thought I would answer them here!

December Q&A

Why did you pick to move to Connecticut?

We were pretty open to moving just about anywhere in the area -- New York, Connecticut or New Jersey. Although NJ was probably lower on the list because it's a bit harder to get to his parents in Westchester. We landed in CT mainly because that's where we found a house. We were looking in Westchester/Fairfield county and put in offers for homes in both places. CT just ended up working out for us.

How do you tackle shared finances?

Right now, we're just splitting everything down the middle. Eventually we'll get a joint account but for now, we have everything separate and just pay each other when needed.

What did you do at MLB?

I used to work in the social media department helping with social sponsorships. 

Will you do a home tour?

Eventually yes! I honestly just never really thought to do one lol but maybe in January when things are a little more unpacked. 

What career milestones do you have for yourself/your brand?

This may be bad but honestly, I don't have any big ones. My goal each year is just to continue to grow and find more ways to diversify my income with the blog and other things. I had goals when I was younger that I was really happy when I hit. I honestly didn't really think to create more. I'm just super happy for the life I have right now and I'm not thinking too much down the road. 

What town do you live in?

We're actually not going to be sharing that just for privacy reasons. I hope you understand and respect our decision :)

How did you choose where to buy a house?

We had some overall restrictions in terms of Andrew's commute to the city and we wanted to stay within a reasonable distance of his parents. But outside of that we knew we wanted to be in a good school district so we wouldn't have to move again, and wanted to be somewhere close to a train station. 

Least exciting home project and most exciting on your list?

We don’t have any projects right now on the list (trying to save some money!) but long term I would say the most exciting would be my offices and least exciting would be the driveway.

What kind of phone do you have?

Up until last week I had the iPhone X and now I have the 12 pro!

What rooms are you most excited about in your house?

I'm really loving our dining room mainly because that's the room I'm working to decorate currently and has the most done. Down the line I'm really excited to bring to life the vision I have for our formal living room. 

What is your favorite thing about the new house?

Outside of just general space to live, I like that Andrew and I can be together in the kitchen. In our apartment it was pretty cramped so it wasn't really feasible for both of us to be in there. But now, we can hang out and cook/clean together and it's been really fun. 

Can you make a livable salary from blogging?

Yes! I've been living off of my blog salary for close to five years now. It takes a while to get there but if you stay consistent and work hard (just like any other job), you can turn it into a full time job. 

What are you most excited about living in the burbs?

Having neighbors, a car, a backyard, the wildlife ... there is so much!!

Favorite stocking stuffer for yourself?

I realllly love Reese's chocolate in my stocking :)

Any advice for starting a fashion blog?

I have this post about my tips but really there are SO many great resources out there, I always suggest people just Google specific things they're looking into/need help doing. The internet is a wealth of knowledge for things like this. 

What do you miss the least and most about NYC?

I miss the convenience the most. Just knowing where things are, running out to the corner store to pick up an item. Things I miss the least is the noise!

What sold you on this house?

It's kind of crazy, but this house had everything on our wish list. Even the "nice to have" list. The only thing it didn't have is a basement, but honestly, we will be fine without it. And we saw this place on a total whim too. We had all but given up and just stumbled upon this one. 

What part of the house are you most excited about decorating?

I've been having a BLAST decorating for Christmas, so I would say that. Just putting up garland inside and out was the best thing ever. 

What is something that surprised you about moving out of the city?

I really thought I would miss it more. And maybe when I go back it'll hit me but, I don't even think about it. It's kind of crazy.

How did you financially plan for buying a house?

I've been saving since I was 23/24ish with the goal in mind to buy a house around 30. I work with a financial advisor who invests for me and he's been the biggest help. I mainly rely on him for most all of our savings and investments. He talks often with my CPA too, to find the best course for savings. 

What is your favorite thing about owning a house and the most challenging so far?

My favorite thing has been feeling like an "adult," which I put in quotations because it very much feels like we're playing house, but in a fun way. In terms of the most challenging, there hasn't been much really so far. But I guess I would say just figuring out the best way to budget. Buying a new house, furnishing it, getting a car, and all the little things in between are starting to add up and it's something new to adjust to!

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