If you've been keeping score then you guys know we have fully converted to the Our Place Always Pan FAN CLUB in our household!! We just can't get enough of it. SO much so that I brought it to our new house just to cook eggs before we moved in. I just can't cook without it.
But you know who really loves the Always Pan? Andrew. I really got it for him since he is the chef between the two of us so I thought it was only fair for him to write up today's review. So without further ado... here's Andrew!!
Our Place Always Pan Review
If you have followed Krista for a while, you know I do the lion's share of the cooking. By lion's share, I mean "all." Truly, I'm happy to do it. I love cooking. I come from a long line of kitchen wizards. It's likely the Italian in me.
When Krista told me she was getting us the Always Pan, I asked why we needed another nonstick pan. We already had one, I used it every day, and sometimes multiple times per day. It was a basic, run-of-the-mill nonstick pan, but it was trustworthy. I was a bit skeptical but figured I'd reserve any comments until we received the Always Pan and I gave it a try.
Immediately upon receiving it I knew I had a new favorite go-to pan.
Aside from the matte green that made it so stylish, I was shocked at how lightweight it was. This pan was much bigger and deeper than the pan I was using, but somehow the same weight if not lighter.
Then I opened the lid and found even more brilliant amenities. The wooden spatula has a hole in it that fits into a corresponding peg on the pan's handle, eliminating the need for a spoon dish. Now I would Always have a wooden spoon nearby when I needed it (see what I did there)?
It also came with a steamer basket that was custom sized to fit within the pan's basin. This means you can do away with the bulky, two-piece steamer basket taking up space in your kitchen. Simply put a little water in the pan, place the steamer basket above the water, add your veggies, and replace the cover on the pan.
The versatility, intuitiveness, and lightweight was enough to sell me on the Always Pan. It should be enough to sell you too, but if not, there's more!
Nonstick cookware can be sketchy.
It's important to find something non-toxic and without Teflon. Many of the mass-produced nonstick pans can release harmful chemicals into your food and the air if exposed to high heat. It can also degrade its own nonstick nature.
After reading some more about the Always Pan, I was happy to learn that it is formulated without Teflon, and boasts a non-toxic ceramic coating. It is still advised to use it over low to medium heat, but it's good to know the Always Pan is not introducing anything harmful to your kitchen.
In addition to making the pan a healthy cooking tool, the ceramic coating makes it a cinch to clean. Nonstick cookware shouldn't be washed in the dishwasher. Sometimes that means taking extra time to hand wash, but the Always Pan washes like a dream.
I have cooked ground turkey, omelets with cheese, fried chicken, and more in the Always Pan and it never takes more than a warm water rinse, a drop of dish soap, and my Scrub Daddy to have it squeaky clean within a minute.
In case you have gotten this far and are thinking, "I never thought I would spend so much of my Monday reading about a pan," know this: the Always Pan is without question worth your purchase. I have fully converted and hope you consider joining me.
Thank you to Our Place for sponsoring today's post!