It just hit me that next week is Thanksgiving!! I mean that is WILD to me. Anyone else?? Like I knew it was coming but I thought we had another week and then all of a sudden it was like BAM and it's here. Where did this year go?
Weekend Update: November 20
Five Items I Have My Eyes On:
-I am truly, madly, deeply (lol) obsessed with this blouse
-Congrats to Jen on another amazing collection with Sail to Sable! I love this sequins dress and this white tulle one!!
-My favorite cashmere t-shirts are 61% off today! Available in white, charcoal, and periwinkle.
-Loving this puff sleeve sweater dress (also comes in a top version!)
-Say yes to these $12 bow earrings
Best Sale of the Week: The Always Pan is $50 off!!!! This is the highest discount I have yet to see on this pan -- making it under $100! It's a great gift for just about anyone this holiday.
Weekend Plans: We're making some changes to the apartment so there will be lots of painting going on. Nothing *too* exciting but I'm sure it will take up most of our time this weekend. OH! And we're going car shopping. Just looking for now but I'm pretty excited about it.
Currently Watching: THE CROWN omg omg omg. This season is SO GOOD. Andrew won't let me binge it but sheesh I need it injected into my veins. The actors, the scenes, the acting... it is truly one of the best shows ever. I feel like I'm falling in love with Diana all over again.
Most Popular Item of the Week: This velvet-trimmed plaid tunic. I mean how can you go wrong? It's currently 50% off too!
What Made Me Happy: Andrew!! He has been such a huge help and support to me (always, of course) but especially these past few weeks. He has taken so much on so that I can really focus on my work. I'm forever grateful for him and all he does for us.