Guys we are getting SO CLOSE to the wedding I almost can't wrap my head around it. How is this possible?? What will I do once it's over? I feel like for the past year it's consumed me and I haven't been able to think about anything else!! And with that, here is your June wedding update!
Things That Are Done:
-Our shower: Done and done! And BOY WAS IT FUN. It was just a fun party that was chill, had good food, and was filled with people I love.
-Invitations: These are signed, sealed, delivered! I cannot wait to show them to you because honestly, they are so beautiful I keep just looking at them. They're perfect and very us and are just so custom and unique for our big day. I love it and cannot say enough good things about Shine Invitations.
-Menu for the reception: It's set, and we're pumped. Again, going to be some really great food that I cannot wait to eat. We were able to sit down with the owners and the chef during our trip to Nantucket in May, and it couldn't have been easier.
-Find a photographer: I kept going back and forth with if we wanted to get a photographer for the weekend (outside of our wedding photographer) and I finally just pulled the trigger and said yes. We booked Carter, who shot our shower, and we're very excited about it!
-Booked a second car: Another thing I was going back and forth with and arguably the hardest part about this whole wedding: what will I be bringing, how much room will I need? So we just booked a second car to drive up and take onto the island to be safe. Better safe than sorry!
Things That Are in Process:
-Our tablecloth: Talked about this some in last months update, but I think we finally have the color and sizing down! Now I just need to order it and make it final, but I'm feeling a lot better about it as of this week when the samples came in!
-Tuxes: The guys need tuxes! We're actually going to The Black Tux Saturday to pick everything out, so this is almost in the group above but just quite yet. I'm excited to see everyone all dressed up -- especially Andrew! I'm going to take some photos so you'll see a sneak preview soon!
-Chef for dinner: For our private family dinner, we booked a chef to come to the house. We're finalizing our menu for that (hello surf and turf) and making sure everyone is taken care of -- especially my mom who has a severe food allergy.
-Dress alterations: My second round of fittings are next week, and I'm really anxious to see how the dress looks. My first fitting was a dream but not for the reasons you would think! So the woman doing my alterations is the BEST. Her little shop is so cute and well done, and she just made me feel comfortable and that anything was possible in terms of fixing and fitting the dress to my body. If you remember I was worried it would be unfixable because it was SO BIG but she was like, "ok not great but we can fix it, and you'll come in sooner than later" and that was that. In and out. So this next fitting should be much better and really make it, so we're starting from step one.
-Undergarments: After our first fitting, we also talked about what to wear under the dress in terms of bra/underwear, and I think I found something at Bloomingdales that will work but TBD. There weren't many options for what I needed, so I'm hoping the thing I got will do the job. If not, the hunt will continue! Any recommendations on places to look would be appreciated!
-Workouts/clean eating: Will talk about this probably tomorrow, but we're less than three months away, and it's time to "get serious" lol and start eating right and working out to get tight and toned for the wedding!
Things We Need to Do:
-Engagement photos: This is now set for the end of July (woof), and I'm excited, but I'm also not. The heat I hope won't be a nightmare, but knowing NYC, it probably will be. We missed the mark with June because I've been traveling back to back weeks, but we'll just hope for cool-ish weather and pray for the best!
-Book a hotel night of: We need to book our hotel for our wedding night and also a room for Carter over the weekend. Something I just need to do but haven't done yet lol.
-Wedding Bands: I found two(!!) I really liked to go with my ring but I probably just need to go back one more time before deciding to see what I like best. One is plain, and the other has some sparkles on it. So it just depends on what look I'm trying to go for with my ring.
-Finalize food truck: I've been playing phone tag for the last week with the guys for our food truck, and I just need to get him on the phone and book it!! He's a busy man to track down lol.
-Book sailing: Another thing I just need to do haha. Wow, my list is getting long! As a gift to the girls, we're going on a private sail while the guy's golf which I'm really looking forward to.
-Finalize gifts: I have my bridesmaid gifts half done -- their big present is ready to go, but their little gifts still need to be ordered. As for the parents, 1/4 are done -- I just need to find the perfect gifts for the rest of them! And then there's Andrew. I know what I'm getting him, but I need to figure out how I want to give it to him *mwahaha*