I am SO excited to share two new charm updates with you guys, and a really special giveaway that would be *perfect* for the holidays.
I can't believe it's been a year and a half since this post when I only *dreamt* of starting and curating my very own charm bracelet. So much has changed since then, and my bracelet is truly coming to life in the most perfect way. Back in March of this year, I shared the first round of charms in this post as well as a future wishlist for more to come. I've since added two very exciting new charms I wanted to show you.
Finding charms is hard work. There are so many out there -- some good, some bad. But they have to speak to you. Taking your time to look and find the *perfect* charm takes patience and a lot of time searching the internet. And when all else fails, you can always go the custom route.
Sometimes there are some charm ideas I have so vividly in my head, it's impossible to find something that satisfies me. Luckily, I have a dear friend, Christina of CMS CUSTOM, who is also a private jeweler. I'll sometimes text her randomly saying, "can we do this?" She always says yes!
Last year, she also helped me create my signet ring and a custom NYC charm. The work she does is truly unmatched. So I knew when I was coming up short in my search for charms that she was the way to go.
So I wanted to share the newest additions to my bracelet, but also share that we've teamed up for a giveaway!! Christina has graciously offered a custom design process from start to finish with rendering, custom tweaks, expertise, advice, and guidance. The full CMS CUSTOM experience for any piece you desire with up to $1,000 retail credit. You can obviously make something more expensive as well and she will apply the credit!
The giveaway will be posted on Instagram later today so make sure not to miss out! I'll post on my handle @kristarobertso and my store handles @pennylinndesigns so there will be multiple ways to enter. You can head over there for full details.
Penny Linn Designs Logo: From the day I launched my store I knew I wanted a logo charm for my bracelet. The gardenia flower is so special to me, and now with Penny Linn being such a big part of my life, it only made sense to have it with me always. I reached out to Christina to see if it was even possible -- cutting out a charm in this way and having it engraved with the fine lines. As always she came through! It looks exactly like the picture I carried in my mind and it's one of the more special charms on my bracelet.
30th Birthday Charm: I scoured the internet for a charm to represent my 30th birthday and I came up with nothing. I was open to just about anything that was special enough for the occasion, but there were few celebratory/birthday/zodiac charms I found that weren't tacky. So I worked with Christina and told her I wanted something green (emerald is my birthstone) and that's about it lol.
So we started talking about different things special around my birthday and talked about the trip I went on with Andrew to Puerto Rico. We thought a palm tree would be cute to represent the beach trip, but I knew I wanted something a little more special/specific so we went through photos from the trip and stumbled upon a curved tree by the pool. This tree is all over their social and marketing sites, so I thought it might just work.
When I saw the CAD design I knew that was it! We engraved my birthday on the back as a little extra touch and I couldn't love it more.
Going back to the beginning of my charm wishlist, I have it all outside of the Kentucky and house charm which I consider a big success. I assume the next one I'll add to my list will be a baby-related charm but only time will tell!