My Needlepoint Store Launches Monday!
You heard that right... Monday! In four short days, I'll be adding "needlepoint designer" to my resume. And I'm pumped. Let me tell you about it!
This store has been a true labor of love, let me tell you. But I've been having the most fun with it! When I came up with the idea 5 months ago, I had a general idea, vision, and goal but I don't think I was quite prepared for all of the things that would be on my to-do list! It's a time when I've been really thankful for my this job (the blog) and my past job in social media because it has really helped so much.
These past few months I've been a one woman show (with the help of some hired woman help too!) working on packaging details, SEO management, painting, designing, pricing, tracking costs + expenses (to make sure I'm turning a profit), email marketing, data collection, shipping, social media, logo design, inventory orders, video and graphic creation, running a second website and blog... and so much more! I'm defintely overwhelemed but in the best way possible. It's really true when they say if you love what you do, you'll never have to work a day in your life.
Turns out I really love this stuff -- all the backend management and creation. Designing a concept and bringing it to life. It's just really fun to see this small idea I had a at 2 AM come to life before my eyes. And I've had so much wonderful help along the way... it truly takes a village.
My main goal for this store is to bring needlepointing to everyone.
I hope to create designs that are fresh and new, attracting new and old stitchers alike! I want to help you learn to needlepoint and find the same comfort and joy I have in it. I want to bring 2020 into needlepoint (only the good stuff of course) and showcase videos, guides, how-to posts all available at the click of a button.
And I want this to be a judegment free zone -- I want you to have fun. I want to be a one stop shop for fun new needlepoint canvases and accessories. A place where anyone can learn to stitch. And I want it to be affordable. Free classes, free guides, free teachings and sharing of knowledge. I want to learn how to finish canvases so I can then teach you! I want to introduce you to new designers, show you how amazing your local needlepoint store can be, help you pick up a new hobby. I have big plans and goals and I hope you'll join me for the ride.
The collection launching on Monday will be the TV series collection that is inspried by all my favorite shows (although, I need to now add something for New Girl lol). When I came up with the initial idea, I was in the middle of a heavy binge of Netflix. TV was my escape, so was needlepoint. And I wanted to bring them both together.
And if this series isn't for you, that is ok! There will be more canvas collections and I also currated some fun needlepoint accessoires as well. All inspired by things I've been looking for but couldn't find (or couldn't find at a reasonable price) like blue and white scissors or a basket needle minder. And if those don't spark your interest but still are looking to a way to support me, you can spread the word! Share the launch with your family and friends -- word of mouth would everything right now.
So let's talk details... We launch Monday at 10AM ET to the public.
Right now everything is marked as "coming soon" so you can preview the store early. Some items have prices, while others don't. That's becuase I still need to figure out pricing with the kit options! I'm trying to get these as low as possible so I'm coming up with different ways to do that.
I obviously have no idea what the store launch will look like BUT I did want to give a special early access to anyone who wants to support. So at 9AM ET I'll send out an email to all our subscibers with a link and password to shop an hour early!! To get on that list, make sure to fill in the "get notified" box on the home page.
I've also spent the last week writing and filming (and editing) all the blog posts to get you started on your needlepoint journey. I was able to get three up yesterday and another three should be going live today! So defintely head on over to the Penny Linn Designs blog to check it out. I have about 20 posts in the queue answering all your questions and going over each individual canvas and item in the shop. Hopefully everything will be up by launch day so be sure to check back when you can.
And finally, a shameless plug to follow me on Instagram! We're building quite a fun little community over there and I'd love to have you apart of it.
So... yeah! MONDAY! Mark your calendars. So so exciteddddd.