Admittedly I am not so great on new year resolutions. Knowing that I made some "half-year" resolutions for 2019 and I was 3 for 5 for personal and 2(ish) for 3 for the blog. Which isn't that bad but since it was only half a year and I never followed up on them, I'm not chalking it up as a win.
So this year I'm calling these my intentions. My intention is to do something. If I don't, that's ok too! Just a small change of the word can really change everything. So I feel less pressure (by myself) but I have already started committing to some of these below and I'm pretty excited about it!
And btw, I turned off blog comments for this year. I so love an appreciate everyone who has taken time out of their busy lives to comment but the spam comments were just getting to be too much for me to handle. It was all day, every day, multiple times a day and ain't nobody got time for that.
1. Flossing (and no, not the dance) -- I just had my first dentist appointment in years (I know, I KNOW) and one thing we learned: I need to start flossing. BUT I HATE FLOSSING. I kind of understand why it's important but I just don't want to do it. I don't like to do it and it's just not fun. So my doctor recommended getting a water flosser and I kind of sort of splurged on one that night.
A lot of the systems out there were pretty big and bulky and I'm already running out of space in my New York City bathroom so I decided to pay a little more and get a wireless one without the huge tank attached. Plus it came in navy so I thought it would be very "me."
2. Church -- This is awkward to talk about as I don't really talk about politics, religion or current events much on here, but it's part of my plans for 2020 and I guess it deserves a mention. I've never been a big church go-er in my life until college when I found an amazing pastor and congregation that was more my style. I think it's considered a megachurch, but it was very new-aged, it spoke to me, and something I could follow and relate to.
I attended their college service (Sunday nights) until I left school and haven't really been back to any church since. I don't necessarily miss going to church because when I think of the word "church" I think of all the places I've been that I haven't liked. But I miss this place. So I've decided to watch online and follow their services from New York in hopes of filling that void.
3. Podcasts -- I've found when I am home and need to do tasks (like cleaning), Podcasts are really helpful in doing so. Ideally, I will stop watching so many YouTube videos (which I get distracted by, no matter how much I tell myself I don't) and start listening to more podcasts and maybe audiobooks. I'm on the hunt now to find educational podcasts about finance, self-help or business. And the plan is to help share what I learn as well!
4. Getting Dressed -- Ok this sounds weird, I KNOW! But hear me out... Since working from home I've found myself just wearing my PJs (not actual PJs but like Nike shorts or sweat pants/shirts that I also wear to bed) or workout clothes all day. I mean... it's so comfortable. But it might be messing with my productivity during the day AND I have this entire closet full of amazing items, I should wear them more. I'm getting the hang of it but I have to tell you, I'm not a fan of wearing jeans around the house! It's strange but I should pretend I'm a normal person in today's society!
1. Daily Outfits -- I want to share more of my daily outfits with you guys on here and on Instagram. I would say about half of my blog posts are "real life" ones that I've worn and half are styled for the post or for something specific (like dressing for the office, wedding, date night). I hope that this will be something you guys like!
2. YouTube/Videos -- I am very hot and cold with uploading to YouTube (I have like 10 videos I recorded and never posted) because I loathe editing! My MacBook Air just can't take the storage or processer to edit and so this weekend I am off to trade in my desktop for a Pro! Then hopefully I can commit to a 1x week video uploading schedule. I hope to also share some more on IGTV and TikTok as well over time!
3. Changing Up Where I Shop -- I wasn't really sure what to call this but the idea is that I'm going to step outside my norm of Nordstrom, Lilly, J.Crew and expand mine (and possibly yours) horizon with clothing. Ideally finding more budget-friendly items without compromising and buying fast fashion. I never really made a big announcement but I stopped shopping at the really bad guys in fast fashion like Gap, Zara, H&M, Forever21, and Old Navy last year (only bought three things all year, including my Zara top that I just bought secondhand).
I love to buy longer-term investment pieces, shop at local/US-made and eco-friendly stores but those come with a higher price tag and I'm just trying to be more conscious of it. So I will try and show/wear/find better stores with lower prices when I can!
4. Reviews -- Judging by last year's analytics, you guys love reviews (you can check them all out here). Either product or brands you're all about them -- plus, they are evergreen which is great for SEO. I'm hoping to have some about affordable workout clothes, best every day flats, my Mott and Bow jeans, best white t-shirt, AirPod pros, best bras + workout bras and things like that! I would love to hear any suggestions you have or want to see! Feel free to email or DM!
5. Lifestyle -- I really want to get into more lifestyle and my day-to-day products on here. Like I LOVE Tide laundry detergent. Did you know that? Do you care? I have so many wonderful products that make up my life that I wish to share with the world and what better place than this blog lol. I will, of course, be sharing fashion + beauty as well but I'm hoping to expand my verticals into more lifestyle content this year.
I hope you are as excited as I am for the year ahead!