NYC Life: We came back from the beach on Tuesday and I all but had a mental breakdown Tuesday night due to stress so that was fun. But I'm getting back to normal this week and really starting to buckle down for everything! I've been taking some CBD that has really been helping manage my stress and anxiety. Outside of that lol I've been working out at Solidcore every M/W/F and it's been going great -- that on top of my PT sessions have really made a difference! I also cleaned out a lot of stuff from my apartment this week in terms of clothing and junk. I had a professional organizer come over to help and it was awesome! More to come on that soon.
Weekend Update: August 23
NYC Life: We came back from the beach on Tuesday and I all but had a mental breakdown Tuesday night due to stress so that was fun. But I'm getting back to normal this week and really starting to buckle down for everything! I've been taking some CBD that has really been helping manage my stress and anxiety. Outside of that lol I've been working out at Solidcore every M/W/F and it's been going great -- that on top of my PT sessions have really made a difference! I also cleaned out a lot of stuff from my apartment this week in terms of clothing and junk. I had a professional organizer come over to help and it was awesome! More to come on that soon.
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