
Job Update

For those living under a rock, I left my job at MLB back in December and have since been looking for new jobs/trying to figure out what my next step is. I was in a really bad place at the end of last year. I was filled with anxiety attacks and heightened depression. It was, looking back, a very dark time for me. 

So I started looking around and applying for various jobs from January to March and found a couple along the way that I really wanted, but it never seemed to work out for one reason or another. I knew what I wanted to do, what I have done in the past and the compensation I set in my mind. My goal wasn't to just find any job, I wanted a great job to further my career.

While applying, I was able to make my own schedule, work out, clear my mind, focus on the blog, think about my plans for the future, and travel to see my family without worry for the first time in my life. All the things that really seemed to help me get back to the right place mentally. I had a wonderful and supportive family and friends by my side, and with them, I could do anything.

From March to April I was interviewing with this company that I really wanted to work at. The job was made for me, the culture was great, the pay was good but the location was somewhere where it would make life on Andrew and I hard. We'd have to split time commuting and it would take out a serious chunk of our time together. Before my final interview, Andrew and I sat down and seriously discussed all parts of our future and whether or not I should continue in the interview process or remove my name from the list. 

....And I'm excited to announce I have a new job! I'm happy and I feel like I can truly breathe again. I'm working about 60 hours a week but honestly, it doesn't even feel like work to me. What's great is the harder I work, the more reward and return on investment I see (hello bonuses!). My boss is supportive and loving and really cool. She just gets me. The benefits are awesome too: vacation is unlimited and flexible as long as I get my work done and working out is encouraged and even paid for. It's like a dream right?

What's crazy is for so long I've been telling myself this isn't what I wanted to do for a job, that it's not something I'd be successful at or something I could do. But with all the things in my life that have happened, this kind of fell into my lap and while I was still being paid severance from work, I tested it out to see if it's right for me. So far it's been the company's most successful year to date!

Something really special about this job is how many departments you get to touch and be a part of: social media, marketing, management, legal, editorial, multimedia, PR. It's awesome to learn from each and grow within the company as well as personally. We also, as of yesterday, hired our very first summer intern which will be really great and help my job a ton. While it is great to have my hands in so many baskets, I do need some extra help as I want to do my very best and continue to grow.

This decision did not come easily either. I grappled over it for months and tried to come up with every reason why I shouldn't. For years I had been telling myself and talking myself out of this because it's scary and it's new and it's different. But are those reasons to not do something? Trust me,  I've weighed every opinion and thought a million times over. It's scary and just like my tattoo, not something I ever really wanted but just took a leap of faith and did lol.

I remember back when I was graduating college, I was terrified of moving to New York because it wasn't "in my plan." I would freak myself out and go through all these different scenarios of what if this or what if that. My mom would talk me down and say that moving is not your final decision. That at any point if I realized I wasn't happy or wanted to leave, I could. Something so simple but so true.

I took a lot of comfort in that. No decision is final. Like with this job, if I find down the road I'm no longer happy I can get a new job elsewhere. It's as simple as that. So I'm taking the leap and giving it my all. Because why not? If not now, when? What is stopping me? Would I be happier elsewhere?
So what's the new job you say? I work for Covering the Bases Inc. and am everything from the CEO to the secretary (literally -- I sign the checks lol!). This is a fancy way of saying I'm going to jump into this whole thing full time. But I wanted you guys to see first that it is a real job, even if it doesn't seem like it to you. So does this change your view on me and your emotions to everything I laid out above? 

When Andrew and I talked about our future we decided that this was what would be best for us both and our happiness. Mainly mine, but when I'm happy, he's happy. It was a decision we made together and something that wouldn't be possible without him. We have grand ambitions for our future and the life we want to live. The people who live those lives are often their own boss. They start businesses and grow them from the ground up to be successful. That's what I'm doing now.

Starting a legitimate business is hard and scary but exciting and limitless. This is not a decision I made overnight and of course I still have doubts, but it's going to be great. It's going great. This is so far our best year to date (already!!) in terms of traffic and sales. And with the extra time I have to dedicate to this, the content will only continue to get better and more tailored to what you guys want to see. I have goals of creating something more than just the blog in the coming year. 

I do promise that nothing will change in terms of who I am or the content you are used to seeing. Have you seen a change so far this year? I'm still posting regularly. I have switched a focus from fashion and travel to life and style. I'm listening more, producing more content and taking my time versus throwing up a look with two lines of copy and calling it a day. At the end of the day, I'm here to serve you and that will not change.

It's going to be great. I'm really excited and hope you are too. Without you, none of this would be real. The support over the many years (who's here from the Southern Shopaholic days??) and love you have shown and given me is unmatched and something that I am beyond grateful for. This community in my little corner of the internet is something I will never take for granted and will always cherish. You guys are the best and make me want to be better each day. You are loyal and NICE (omg you are all so nice -- especially in a world that seems to be filled with hate) and I just want to be able to give back to each and every one of you. And I plan on doing just that this summer!

So stick around, it's going to be a fun one. And I would love to hear from you!! I put together a little form to collect feedback and to say thank you I'll be selecting three winners. You can see the prize and fill out the form here.

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