Thought I would round up some recent IGs for you to shop but also share some recent purchases because I've been shopping like woah.

Recent Purchases:
Golden Goose Sneakers -- I totally caved and got these sneakers. Andrews response to them was the same that I first had -- you're buying used sneakers? l-o-l well here I am, trying to be cool. Seeing what all the hype is about.
Black Wedge Sneakers -- I got these originally in green and loved them but realized I didn't have much to wear them with. I'm getting in the black pair today and we shall see how they do!
Black Boots -- I've been needing black boots for a minute and I just cannot find a pair that I like. I have these in the tan color and I wear them all the time so I'm hoping they work out as well.
Retinol Capsules -- Seeing so many people talk about them lately (sponsorships work!) and decided to see what all they hype is about.
Mint Cooling Wipes -- They have these at my yoga studio and I LOVE them. They are cooling wipes and do a very good job but they also smell like mint and that is so much better than smelling like sweat -- kind of perfect for an after workout.
Tartan Bow Hair Tie -- I just thought this was cute and cheap so I got it.
Faux Fur Earmuffs -- For some reason earmuffs don't fit my head and these def are being returned!
Beige Knit Beanie -- I LOVE my red beanie (duh) and this was like an exact replica of it so I'm hoping I love this just as much!
Red Cropped Hoodie -- Got this for our upcoming weekend at Disney -- trying to tie in the red to Mickey/Christmas but also stay semi warm for the cooler nights.
Fair Isle Sweater -- I thought this would be cute but after trying it on it just looks like a dad trying too hard.
Feather Trim Sweater -- I initially didn't love this sweater until I saw the back and it helped me purchase it. It comes in today and I will keep you updated!
Halogen Tweed Jacket -- I love halogen and I love tweed so I'm hoping I will love this jacket as well. Kind of perfect for work, no?
Nike Fleece Top -- This just looked so comfortable and cool so I'm trying it out!
So Soft Peacoat -- This comes in today and I'm VVV excited to test it out.
Navy Peacoat -- I've been on the hunt for a good navy peacoat for a couple weeks now and found this one and really love it for the price. If you're looking for a short coat, this is a great option!
Cropped Faux Fur Coat -- I really liked the blue one above so much that I'm testing out the little sister version of it from the factory!
Plaid Mini Skirt -- I just love skirts from J. Crew -- hoping this will go well with my black boots!
Sequins Midi Skirt -- PERFECT for the holidays. I just love this skirt so much -- you'll be seeing more of it soon!