Hey guys! So sorry if it feels like I've only been half here for the past couple of weeks. Between traveling, unexpected stress, work, regular life and everything in between I've been a little out of sorts lately. So just wanted to give you guys a quick update of what's been going on over here.
Halogen: Short Trench Coat / J. Crew Factory: Studio T-Shirt / Mavi: Tess Pearl Jeans / Gucci: Pricetown Mule Loafers / Celine: Sunglasses / Louis Vuitton: Pochette Metis / Talbots: Brown Belt (old) / BaubleBar: Mini Monogam Necklace / David Yurman: Pearl Earrings / Apple: Apple Watch (review)
Travel -- I love to travel, it is one of the great pleasures in life and I am so fortunate I get to do it. But it seems when I travel back to back weekends it really throws me off balance. I have such a routine on the weekends and since I work during the week it's really a time for me to focus in on the blog and get all my extra work done. These past two weekends were Las Vegas (there will be a short vlog) and Palm Beach (there is a highlight story on IG) and I loved both so much but I'm happy to be home this month before summer hits and we start to get crazy with weddings!
Expenses -- I have been spending A LOT so far this year and I really need to slow down. I get in swings like this where I spend a lot then get scared and stop all together so really I need to find a perfect balance/budgeting system that works well for me. It is also scary because I've upped my monthly savings amount so that is another adjustment all together. It's hard too because I want more than anything to just have a dry March (or any month) with no new clothes but I feel like that would hurt my blog and the income from which I rely on. I think I just need to sit on it and really think about what is best for me long term (personally and professionally) and go from there.
Then of course there was the big/major/oh gosh how do I do it moment of becoming incorporated on the blog. Now we really have to split income/expenses, I have to pay myself through a system and all the costs associated with getting it up and running and continuing to run it smoothly.
Then of course we have the big thing of taxes hanging over my head. I just finished doing my expense reports for last year (thankfully-- that was a big stress) and while I am up YOY I know that means taxes owed are going to be A LOT. I have money for it because I have been saving very aggressively but it's still just really scary and stressful.
Extra Stress -- AH the extra stress. There have been a handful of extra stress factors that all seemed to hit last month. I'm really grateful that for the most part I live an extremely stress-free life. I go with the flow, I recognize the great about my life and not let too much get to me but it seemed like a couple weeks last month everything just kept piling on and I have some pimples to prove it! This month will just be about relaxing and trying get back to the headspace from before. Things are looking better but still almost have like PTSD for how anxious I was.
The Blog -- I went really hard in January and February and a lot of you took note (thank you) and I have sales that make it all worth it but as bloggers do, I feel like I'm starting to slump. It's really hard and time consuming to be everything at once on here, in my personal life and in my professional one. I keep worrying that I will run out of things to talk about or run out of fun new ideas and content to share. And with those fears I stop myself from trying new things and growing. I also don't really let myself off the hook -- I don't even know if this will make any sense. It's like a catch 22 of wanting to do something, being scared of failing, not doing anything and then being upset for not doing anything. It's kind of a viscous circle.
The Oscars -- This is so silly but is in part why I've kind of been all over the place. Every year I try and see all the movies in the major categories and every year I do it but not without something else in my life taking a back seat. I mean it's a LOT of movies to see in the span of about a month or two. I found that they kind of took away from my writing time but I don't regret it at all. I love watching movies and I'm happy I can keep my tradition alive. Now I just need to get back on track.
New Ideas -- So with all of that above (I know, it's kind of a mess/all over the place -- but I'm really just writing here, not stopping and will just hit publish when I'm done) I'd really love some feedback of what you guys want to see on the blog in March. Let me know what you've liked over the past two months, what you want to see more of, what you want to see less of... really anything and everything. I love drawing inspiration from you all! It helps me create content you want to see but also helps me brainstorm other ideas I think would be cool.
So feel free to email/comment/post -- whatever-- and let me know your thoughts! Talk soon