The long awaited ice rolling review. I got this product right at the end of last year and have since probably talked about it every single day on my IG stories. A lot of you have been asking what it is, what it helps with, why they should get it... etc and I'm here to help answer all questions and give you my review on it. Hope you enjoy!

What is Ice Rolling?
--Ice rolling or icing your face is just what it sounds like: putting ice on your face. The term ice rolling is just commonly used because the easiest tools to ice your face come in roller form (mine is $12 from Amazon). Think of it similar to a jade roller but it's just a frozen ice pack instead of a jade stone.
How did you hear about Ice Rolling?
--My esthetician actually turned me onto it. She told me to incorporate "icing my face" into my skincare routine and I thought it was totally crazy and honestly put the advice to the side. It wasn't until I had a MASSIVE pimple forming under the skin and asked her what to do. She told me to ice it 5 seconds on, 5 seconds off for a couple of minutes. And guess what? It totally worked.
If you've gotten a facial you know that after your skin is super red and irritated because you just brought your acne to the surface to clean it out. So short term your skin looks really red and it *looks* like you have more acne then when you started but it's actually just part of the process and goes away within a couple of days.
Bonnie (my esthetician) said to ice even more so after facials to help recover quicker and it really does help. In that process I actually fell in love with how my skin looked and felt after that now I roll twice a day!
What are the benefits of Ice Rolling?
- Reduces puffiness
- Calms redness
- Helps fight wrinkles
- Reduces pore size
- Firms the skin
- Great for alleviating headaches
- Helps with hangovers
How do I do it?
--The roller is pretty simple. Just snap out the "ice" part of it and pop it in the freezer. Take it out when you want to use it and snap it back into place. Roll all over your face!
I roll:
- across my forehead (left and right)
- across my eyes (left to right as well just gently -- hitting the under eye and the brow bone)
- on my cheeks (up and down)
- across my lips and chin (left to right)
- from time to time along my neck (rolling up only)
For cleaning I clean it once a week just with face cleanser and water. I personally thing that the bacteria dies in the freezer so I'm not super worried about it -- maybe I should be idk.
When I have a breakout under or at the skin I do the 5 seconds on, 5 seconds off rule for about a minute -- really targeting the pimple, and then roll for about 5 minutes and hit it again with the 5 on/5 off and repeat that until the roller is warm.
When I wake up super puffy I gently roll over my eye sockets (left to right, like mentioned above) and then place the roller on my under eyes for about 30 seconds a side. Just rinse and repeat that process as well until the puffiness has gone away. This is usually my go-to in the morning!
How do I incorporate Ice Rolling into my skincare routine?
--I always roll with a clean face so I roll right after I use my cleanser. I feel like it's better that way just because when I go through my normal routine at the end my skin is very tacky and hydrated and putting ice on that makes it feel really weird and gunky. Bonnie told me to ice after I wash my face so that is what I've done so far. And it has worked out well for me!
--Ice everyday; even when you don't "need" to
--Hit any under the skin acne with the ice roller at first sign --
--Don't roll to hard. You shouldn't be applying any pressure to the roller -- this should be a relaxing process
-Roll only when your face is clean (DO NOT roll with makeup on, thats nasty)