Is it just me or did this week fly by?! Very excited to be around town this weekend and do something fun. Summer is flying by and I need to soak up every last minute of it. Some exciting new things happening in the Robertson life so be sure to check it out!
ONE / Bloglovin'
I hope everyone reading this is reading via Bloglovin! It's the absolute best blog reader and that comes from a very loyal reader. I read about 30 blogs everyday and I read them all via Bloglovin. It's so easy and simple to use and just wonderful for reading all your blogs in one place!
TWO / New Couch
Guys!! I finally bought a new couch. If you're following along on snapchat (@ kristalinn14) you saw me mention it earlier this week. I can't wait to get it in! I'm totally getting the itch to redecorate, what do we think? You can see what my apartment currently looks like here.
THREE / (the perfect) Riding Boot
I'm so crazy particular about riding boots and I've had my current pair for about three years now. I just love them that much but they're so broken down I think it's time for a new pair...
So I just bought these! I really really love the color and the detail over the ankle. I get them in on Monday so I will let you know my full report then!
FOUR / Music
Okay I've been finding some crazy great songs lately and I need to share them!
Lost Stars by Adam Levine - UGH! I love Maroon Five, but can Adam go solo on the side?
Dancing in the Dark - Just watched Home this past weekend and this song had me jamming during the film.
Love Myself by Hailee Seinfeld - Need a jam out girl power song that'll make you dance? This is it.
The day before the Lilly sale, I made a stop at my local store to try a few things on. Of course I tried on a couple things not in the sale and I ended up buying this dress.
I wore it on Monday and I felt so amazing in it that I wanted to wear it again Tuesday. But I wore it to work, so it would be a liitttllleee weird. I hope Lilly makes 5,000 colors of this dress because I will buy them all. Hoping to share it on the blog next week!
5 Products I'm loving:
Beige Slip on Sneakers
Perfect coat for fall
Suede OTK boots I needed
New sneaks looking hot
A cute fur vest for fall
Beige Slip on Sneakers
Perfect coat for fall
Suede OTK boots I needed
New sneaks looking hot
A cute fur vest for fall