WHEW! This post turned out to be much longer than I was planning. Now I'm starting to worry that I have *too* much on here. We both have rather large families, so I always think it's best to give people options and maybe err on the side of having too much instead of not enough. If nothing else, this will serve as a good mental wish list of items that will completely cover us for the first year or two.
I'm also hoping this serves as a helpful starting place for things to add to your own registry or brands that have come highly recommended to me throughout this process. I know I've been scouring my friends' blog posts and sending our list to non-blogger friends asking for feedback and ideas. I feel like I'm in a great place and I haven't messed with it in a month or two, which tells me it's good!
Baby Gear
Eufy Baby Monitor - I let Andrew decide on what monitor we were going to use. He researched and found the Eufy! It was between this and the Vava. The only thing we both wanted was a non-wifi monitor, which I know some people love, but we didn't like.
Owlet Smart Sock - I know there has been a recall/stop on these in the market after the FDA notice. But I had it on my registry/in this post before that happened so now it's just here. Hoping they can turn around and follow instructions to make the sock safer and smarter because I love the idea of it (coming from a SIDS survivor).
Nuna Sena Travel Crib and Crib Sheets - I know that you can really go with any travel crib, but the Nuna came highly recommended by friends and through reviews online. I really like the Nuna brand in general as well, so I felt ok looking for a travel crib that's a little more expensive. This will be put to good use, is easy to use, move and set up, and something we'll have for the next kid as well.
Bella Tunno Pacifier Clip - My sister has these pacifier clips and I love them. They make for great little teethers as well as help you keep a pacifier nearby. They are really easy to use and clean.
Skip Hop Activity Center - So many of you recommended this when I asked for registry help! I didn't even think to put an activity center on the registry so thank you to all who sang its praises.
House of Noa Mats - We love House of Noa. I have three kitchen mats and a yoga mat from them, so I was really excited to add their children's items to our registry. We went with the starter bundle which includes a play mat (we got a 4x6 size for our living room) and a matching high chair mat.
Babylist Pacifier Box - One of the things I love about Babylist is that they have these boxes (you'll see more below) that are a variety pack of popular brands for certain items. This way the baby can decide what they like best and you're not spending a ton of money going through trial and error.
BabyBjorn Bouncer - Both the BabyBjorn and the DockATot were highly recommended for our registry. My dear friend Julia has passed down both of these to us! I am all for taking pre-loved baby items right now and these are no exception.
The Honest Company Gift Set - I really wanted something that was an "all in one" set so I wouldn't have to purchase a bunch of individual items. I'm not brand loyal to any baby stuff currently, so I thought this would be a good place to start.
Baby Bath Towel Bundle - I personally love Weeize towels, so I wanted to splurge on some for the baby. I don't know what makes their towels so good, but they're all I want to use!
Bathtime Essentials Kit - TBH I thought it was kind of gimmicky at first. But after reading a lot of other registry posts and reviews for first-year products, it made a lot of sense. I've been recommended a lot of Skip Hopp products, and this little set seems to have it all -- a spout cover, a kneeler and armrest (for the parents), and a rinser. Plus it's super cute!
FridaBaby 4-in-1 Bath Tub - Love the idea of a tub that will grow as the baby grows and have only ever heard amazing things about the FridaBaby line.
Clothes and Accessories
Burts Bees Burp Cloths // Muslin Burp Cloths - I've been told the limit on burp clothes does not exist and that I should get all the things now. So I added some regular and muslin burp cloths to the list. Hoping that while we're using some, we'll have backups in the wash and others clean and ready to go.
Kyte Baby Sleep Bag // The Ollie Swaddle // Mickey Swaddle Pack // Babylist Swaddle Pack - You guys were the most helpful when I asked about what kind of swaddles/sleep bags I'll need throughout the first year (it can be confusing!). We went with these, which I think will cover us. We have the highly recommended Kyte sleep bag and Ollie swaddle, as well as regular swaddle blankets, and then the BabyList swaddle packs which included a lot of your other top favorite brands!
Copper Pearl Baby Bandana Bibs // Mickey Burpy Bibs - Also stocking up on little bandanas and bibs to help clothes stay somewhat clean. If nothing else it'll just be a cute accessory he'll have to wear around.
Walmart Gift Card - We're asking for GC's mainly when it comes to diapers because we don't know what brand we'll want to go with just yet. I thought this would keep our options open until the baby decides what works best for them and their bum!
Disposable Diaper Sacks - My friend recommended these little bags to throw out the diaper without stinking up the entire place while on the go. Plus they have near 4.3k 5-star reviews on Amazon, so I'm in.
Diaper Changing Pad - I originally had a bamboo cloth one and everyone told me to change to a wipe-down changing pad. Which... makes a lot of sense lol. This came highly recommended by a lot of friends and family.
Diaper Wipes Dispenser - Again, thought this was a little gimmicky but everyone said it's one of their most used items. After adding it to the list I'm starting to notice it everywhere. I don't think I know a person who doesn't have this. So if it lives up to the hype, it sounds good to me.
Ubbi Diaper Pail - One of our bigger decisions -- the Ubbi or the Diaper Genie?? Both my sister and SIL have the Genie and do really love it. But I had Andrew review both and pick what he thought was better and we decided on the Ubbi. I think because it holds more, does a better job at keeping in odor, and (probably most important) you don't need specific trash bags for it.
Babylist Diaper Box - As mentioned above, we want to check out a few different brands of diapers before committing to anything (most of your feedback suggested Pampers then Huggies as #1 and #2).
Ubbi Diaper Pail Bags - I know we said we didn't need specific bags for the Ubbi (and we don't) but just adding these on the registry for ease of use and an easy add-on gift for anyone shopping our list.
Babylist First Foods Set - A lot of suggestions came in about getting items, not just for their first year --but a little beyond. This falls somewhere in between those two stages but added this set just to have on hand for when we need it.
Babylist Bottle Box - Another Babylist box on our list (we have them all, seriously) is the bottle one.
Snap Bib Pack - My friend recommended these not necessarily for eating, but for everything else (to keep their clothing somewhat clean?). Apparently they're super absorbent and great to have on hand.
Rubber Bibs - This is what we'll use for eating. They're easy to clean and hopefully catch most of the mess!
Bottle Brush with Stand - Pretty self-explanatory! OXO is a brand we have liked and used in the past so this was added to our list.
Countertop Drying Rack - We both really liked the idea of having a drying rack for the bottles that don't take up *too* much space on the counter and saw this as an option in BuyBuyBaby so we added it to the list.
Boppy Pillow and Liner - My sister has a Boppy and we love to use it when it comes to feeding so we added it to the list. We have a million and one pillows but there is something specifically helpful about the shape and style of the Boppy we couldn't resist.
Mini Utensils - For whenever they start solids. Love the ezpz brand whenever we've helped our friends/family so we knew we had to add some to the list.
FridaBaby and Baby Banana Teether Toothbrush - Some teethers for whenever the time comes.
Table Chair and Dining Tray - We have a few options for baby chairs on the list so stay with me here. This one I'd like to have set up at our island for more casual eating, but also for when we travel/go to restaurants so they can just have their own table and tray without the big hubbub of traveling with something more intense. I love that it can be set up just about anywhere!
Joovy High Chair - My SIL has this chair and it's amazing. It folds with a push of a button and is super easy to pack up and put away. We're hoping to have this chair live at Andrew's parents' house since we're there every Sunday for dinner. Just makes sense to not have to haul anything back and forth and when we're not there, they'll be able to store it easily.
Babylist Sippy Cup Box - Another Babylist box for the list -- sippy cups! Again, for when they're older/the time comes. I just can't get enough of these boxes.
Stokke High Chair - This chair came highly recommended as the perfect chair to grow as the baby grows. It helps promote good posture and since I am a creature of suggestion, we added it to our list.
For the Parents
BuyBuy Baby, Lovevery, and Home Chef GC - Gift cards make everything easier so we're adding a bunch of these to the list. BuyBuyBaby for the extra stuff we will eventually end up needing, Lovevery for the toys we'll eventually want to buy, and HomeChef for the easy and fulfilling meals we'll look to have on hand when the baby is here and we're too busy to grocery shop.
Tweed Baby Carrier - This is VERY much the most absurd/wild thing on the registry that I fully blame my friend Louise for (calling you out!). I 110% get that this is not needed in any way but she told me it's the most comfortable baby carrier and I love the print soooo it's here. It's really on the list as "if someone buys it, amazing. If no one does, it's totally fine" item.
FridaMom Recovery Kit - A lil something something for me at the hospital! This kit seems to be loved by all.
Tote Bag Organizer - A bag organizer for whatever I choose to be my baby bag. I'm thinking of using some tote I already have, so this will make it easier to organize the mess and switch bags out whenever needed.
Stroller Caddy - Speaking of more organization, hoping to get a little extra caddy for our stroller. I liked the look of this one a lot.
Health and Safety
Babyganics Essentials Pack - Have heard only amazing things about the Babyganics line so I wanted to add an essentials pack to our registry to figure out what we'll need and use the most. This has it all -- lotion, shampoo, body wash, bubble bath, hand sanitizer, toy/chair wipes, and bottle soap. We will have our bases covered!
Dreft All-Purpose Cleaner // Wellements Gripe Water - Both of these were a must from my friend Julia so I added them to the list. I'm here for an all-purpose cleaner for the stains I know will surely come. And do I know what gripe water is? Not really. Will I find out soon enough? Probably.
Baby Nail File - My SIL got this recommendation from Caitlin -- both of who seem to love this thing! I guess it's easier than regular clippers? I don't know but I'm ready to find out.
Qdos Outlet Covers // Safety 1st Magnetic Locks - Not that either of these is needed right away, but I've been told it's nice to put it on the registry now for when you will eventually need it.
Tubby Todd Ointment - This is (I guess?) the ointment to end all other ointments as it will take care of everything. If a friend I know loves it, I add it to my list lol.
Babylist First Aid Kit - Seems like a nice thing to have on hand! I've been known to fly through some first aid kits back in my day lol.
Nursery and Decor
Hatch Sound Machine // Lumipets Nightlight - We originally just wanted to do the nightlight but SO many of you (including my family and every single one of my friends) told me that I *needed* a sound machine so, against our plans, we put one on there. I guess it's just better to have and not use, versus needing it and not having it. We'll see what I think about everything a year from now!
ChappyWrap Mini Blanket - Trying to put a blanket or two on the registry so people don't buy us blankets. Everyone has mentioned that you're going to get a million of them but I'm hoping that's not the case! ChappyWrap sent me a mini blanket as a baby gift when we announced and I adore it. You guys know how much I love our ChappyWraps (under one right now) so I'm excited the baby will have one of his own.
Halo Bassinet and Mattress Pad - We decided on the Halo swivel bassinet for our room when the baby first arrives and added a few mattress pads for any accidents we may run into.
Newton Crib Mattress, Baby Sheets, and Mattress Pad - For the crib, we went with the Newton mattress and accessories. I love the idea behind the brand -- healthy and breathable sleeping conditions!
Lovevery Block Set - This just looked way too cool not to add to the list. I feel like I want everything that Lovevery has which leads me to...
Lovevery Play Subscription - ...their toy subscription box! They send out age-appropriate toys each month for your baby and think it's just the best thing ever.
Bella Tunno Teething Flash Cards - Some teethers and flashcards in one. We'll see what he uses it more for lol.
Fat Brain Teething Toy - I personally love playing with these toys so if they can entertain me for hours, just imagine what it'll do for a baby haha! These are great I feel to have in your bag wherever you go.
Skip Hop ABC Nesting Blocks - Love me some nesting toys, blocks, and numbers -- so this is an all-in-one that I hope our baby will enjoy.
The Play Gym - Another "all my friends" recommendation is this play gym. I guess the babies can't get enough and that's enough for me!
Doona Car Seat and Stroller - Everyone I know who has this, loves it. And I love the idea of a stroller/car seat in one. My only wish is that it is usable after the first year (I've heard kids outgrow it quickly). But for travel to visit my family or just traveling around here, it will be nice to have this all in one without having to pack a separate car seat and stroller whenever we go anywhere.
UPPAbaby Stroller - Again, a highly recommended stroller from all my friends is the UppaBaby. Everyone swears by it, has great reviews, and I think it's super cute. I love that it has different seat options for infant vs baby. Hopefully, we'll put lots of miles on this thing!
Back Seat Mirror - Some people recommended a video camera vs a mirror but I feel like that can be distracting while driving?? Not that this won't be, but I think it's more for peace of mind that everything is ok in the car seat. Most of my friends have this one and it has good reviews online.
Stroller Fan Clip - Baby will be born at the beginning of spring so this will be nice to have as we roll into the warmer months. I'm sure there are going to be a million and one accessories I'm going to eventually add to the stroller, but for now, this is the only thing I want for sure.
UPPAbaby Infant Car Seat and Base - I know we technically don't need this and the Doona, but my friend passed down her Mesa car seat and we accepted it. I'm sure we'll end up using both -- especially since this fits in with the stroller and is super easy to use.