Weekend Update: December 5
Ok so today is not technically Friday but I had to move some things around for a fun review blog post (and MAJOR giveaway!!!!) going live tomorrow! So today is Thursday and I'm not trying to trick you lol.
What I Bought:
-New Tory Burch sunglasses
-A navy headband (hopefully I'll like it as much as my black!)
-White mini skirt for my honeymoon
-This white We Wore What top and bottom skirt set
-Another eyelet dress for my honeymoon
-A crochet swim tunic
-Another maxi skirt for the trip
-This blue seersucker bow one piece
-More earrings... in yellow!
-A signet ring
-Denim shorts in blue and white
-This super simple white coverup
NYC Life: The beginning part of this week was great! Getting back in the routine of things, hanging with Dixie, seeing Ashby, doing some holiday stuff around the city... but then last night happened. I was going to share the below on stories but thought it was better for here...
This past month has been super stressful, as it’s our busy season as bloggers and I just feel super overwhelmed by everything I need to do before my honeymoon (as I plan on taking it off) So today I was running around trying to catch up and I always feel behind when I’m not doing my normal routine (I remember I felt like that when I worked in an office too. I need a routine to feel grounded.) Anyway... was running around and totally forgot to eat. OBVIOUSLY not on purpose, that's just how busy my day was. I had a small breakfast but come 5:30 when Andrew got home I hadn’t eaten much. I didn't even think about it.
So with a bad combination of not eating and stress, I had my first full anxiety attack in what feels like a year (the last one I can remember that was this bad was at work last year). I had some that were close to attacks around the wedding but nothing as crippling as this. I guess if we were to put a number with it, last year were 9s, weddings were 6/7 and today was a 10.
So it's a positive since it's been so long since it happened but also (obviously) a negative because I remember how scary they are! Today’s was possibly one of my worsts ever.
This one started with my heart BEATING out of my chest. I was shaking and sweating (but my body was cold) and I realize now as I’m typing this, it was due to a rush of adrenaline and that my body was manufacturing to help save itself.
It was something so minor that triggered it and right before it hit (I was like at a 3) I realized I hadn't eaten. So I got up to get a snack and started crying to Andrew over what had triggered it. And then it hit, I started absolutely sobbing and hyperventilating. So much so that I got really dizzy and my body gave out. I didn't faint, as I remember everything kind of, but my body literally fell to the ground. If there was a step right before fainting, that was me. Thankfully Andrew was holding me at the time (he was consoling my attack trying to calm me) because the next thing I knew I was on the ground.
I'm doing better than I was at that moment but it was really scary. Also, something like that is really emotionally draining and extremely exhausting. So the rest of the night (and as I'm typing this) I just feel really sleepy, lethargic, and a sense of just going through the motions.
I will feel better but I just wanted to share that side that maybe you won't see on here. I've struggled with mental health my whole life and 99% of the time I say that I have it managed properly. I listen to my body, I take care of myself... but there will always be that 1% of time where it's out of your control. It's normal but it's OK!
Weekend Plans: Omg this is the last weekend we'll be in the states for the entire year! Isn't that crazy but also super overwhelming lol. So it will probably be lots of catching up on last-minute things and hanging in Westchester one last time before we leave! Tomorrow I'm (hopefully) heading to the ice skating rink in Bryant Park and seeing my friend Sarah while she is in town!!
A Must Watch: The Mandalorian on Disney+!! I just started watching with Andrew and it's actually really cute (Baby Yoda O-M-G!!) -- this is coming from someone who has never seen Star Wars. It's a good, stand-alone show action that I think anyone will like.
Most Popular Item of the Week: Surprisingly my favorite mock neck sweater! I was not expecting that but it looks to be the #1 seller of the week. Happy because you all need it but surprised that you're listening lol.
Amazon Purchases:
-I bought Incoherent, a fun new game, to play with my fam over thanksgiving
-I also picked up Catan but we didn't get around to playing it!
-My cousin didn't have an avocado slicer and since this is the greatest kitchen item in the world, I bought her one!
-Some reusable lids
-Shedding gloves for Dixie (who hates anything of the sort)
-A mini ring light for IG stories!
Holiday Gift of the Week: Allbirds! The perfect gift for everyone my dad and Andrew both have a pair that they wear all the time. I got this for my dad last Christmas (Andrew got a GC from his sister same time) and he loved them! Sometimes shoes can be hard to shop for but these are really universally loved.
Holiday Giveaway: I just announced a fun giveaway with Kate and Abbie for a $300 giftcard to J. Crew!! You can enter on my IG here to win! Also doing a really fun giveaway on Saturday!!!