Friday is so much more sweet when it's the Friday of a three-day weekend! Hope you guys had a good week.
I'm swooning over this front tie bikini top and bottom (30% off)
Bow back one piece (30% off)
Never have enough v-neck camis (30% off)
A tropical floral gown (30% off)
My favorite scallop camis are back in stock (50% off)
A new puffer pullover (33% off)
NYC Life: We saw The Post and Marshall this week, neither of which I knew the story ahead of time. I really loved Marshall and Chadwick is amazing in it! Such a heart-wrenching but great story. The Post was good but it had the makings to be great and it wasn't, which I was sad about.
Weekend Plans: I think this is one of the first years Andrew and I aren't traveling for the holiday weekend! Our only plans right now are seeing John Mulaney Saturday night but outside of that there's not much! I do hope to check a few more Oscar movies off my list and film some new YouTube videos.
Most Popular Item This Week: These workout leggings (which are on sale today!)
Throwback Post: A date night look and NYC restaurant guide
Favorite Finds:
The MOST Krista dress ever ever ever
OMG! This dress is identical to the Self Portrait one for a fraction of the cost
New color of my favorite bow dress
Favorite Blogger Post of the Week:
**P.S. I would love to feature some of you guys -- the ones reading this post (who also have blogs) -- each week, so if you want to be considered, leave me your favorite post from this week in the comments below and I'll pick my favorite ones!**
Song of the Week: I've been re-listening to the Hamilton Soundtrack! It is just so good
A Must Watch: This
Amazon Purchases of the Week: Can see everything HERE
-A new bookcase (I'M IN LOVE)
-And another
-Re-buy of my SPF moisturizer
Fitness Update: We are on Week 10 out of 12 and to be totally honest I'm worried that it's going to end and I'm not going to see any great change. I have already seen/felt major changes from when I started but I definitely don't think they are anything like the progress pics online! But I haven't looked at my old photos so who knows. I'm really just psyching myself out. I think once we're done Andrew and I are going to start from the beginning again. I don't feel right just yet to move onto the 12-24 week set.