I feel like it was just yesterday that I was talking about how I never really wear any black, but here we are! But can you really say no to a perfect little black dress with a pearl collar? Answer: no.

Betsy Johnson: Pearl Collar Dress / Laundry: Red Coat (similar) / Manolo Blahnick: Black Heels / Nordstrom: Pearl Earrings / Nars: Red Lipstick / Fendi: Top Handle Bag (similar)
I will totally admit that the dress didn't picture as well as I was hoping. Maybe it's just the model (me) but the dress really is stunning in person. To give you a look at the other side of blogging real quick, I'll say that during this shoot I was 1) freezing 2) on my period and 3) had been up shooting since 7am. But you have to do what you have to do!
I tell you this story just because I really didn't love how my body pictured in this dress. It looked SO good in real life and these photos and the shadowing just make me look a little frumpy (in my mind). I wished for nothing more than to photoshop these images to kind of just suck everything in and have the photos show how I really felt in this dress.
But that wouldn't be fun for anyone. I love my body and I love the clothes I wear. If nothing else, I should promote that because I know there is a larger majority of people who feel the same. Why not show everyone that side?
The funny thing is, you all probably didn't even notice or think differently about these photos and it's truly all in my own head. Which it might be! But I just thought to share if you're ever feeling the same way and want to change something about yourself online -- don't.
Grab your sexiest LBD and wear it. Because it doesn't matter about the photos, it matters about how you feel in the clothes. And I felt fine as hell.
Thanks to Nordstrom for sponsoring this post!