Like a true New Yorker, I completely forgot that my NYC anniversary was on Monday. Last year I seemed to have my shit together but I really dropped the ball on this one.
June 1st marked my two-year anniversary of living in New York. And that's that.
It's really crazy how fast a year can go. Milestones like this are just a big reminder that your life is flying by. I just can't seem to wrap my head around it. Two whole years?
My first blog post from the city
I remember before I moved to the city I told myself and those around me that it would be a two-year max kind of thing. At the time two years in the city (a place I really didn't crave to be) seemed like forever. Two years seemed like a good timetable to set.
I think what is so crazy is that I thought so much would happen in two years. I thought I would be a different person with a different life... idk... I just thought it would be different and it's not.
I still feel like the 21-year-old girl straight out of college moving to the big city for the first time. I think I just hate how fast time goes by. I'm just not ready. Does anyone else ever feel that way?
I keep trying to think back and remember the goals I had set for myself. The life I wanted to live the places I wanted to go, the things I wanted to do. But I just can't remember. What did I have planned? What have I done in the past two years?
To turn heel real quick I want everyone to know that I do like living here. I think it's great for a young person like me to really experience life in the fast lane. Life in New York is truly like any other and I'm just grateful I've survived... sink or swim and I'm really just trying to stay above water.
I won't lie to you though, living here is rough. It takes a lot of hard work and a lot of compromising. The city will chew you up and spit you back out but for some reason you come right back and are craving more.
I take for granted how great the city can be sometimes. And I'm very thankful I'm here doing what I'm doing. I've met so many wonderful people and have done so many wonderful things.
Living in New York has let the blog really grow into it's own. It's expanded past my wildest dreams and the opportunities that have come from it have been surreal. Almost unimaginable.
And as much as I hate to admit it, New York has turned me into one of it's own. I yell at cab drivers if they try and cheat my fare, speedwalk past tourists, avoid Time Square at all costs, learned the dos and don'ts of the subway, have a Chinese restaurant on my speed dial, live in flats and I've given up on makeup (last part might just be a "me" thing not so much a NY thing).
But I've also learned how to manage my money, how to be accountable for my actions, live on my own, take care of myself, to clean out unwanted things (material possessions and in life), how to be a working professional and how to (I guess) be an adult.
After everything though, I'm still here. And trust me it's not for lack of trying. I've been very close to moving out of the city on multiple occasions but it never seemed to truly work out. And I do take that as a sign. Will I live here forever? No. Am I so in love with the city that I couldn't *imagine* living anywhere else? No. But am I okay with being here for now? Yea.
For a couple more years? Sure. Things will happen when they need to happen and I trust that I'm living my best (and semi lazy) life until then.
So where do I want to see myself this time next year? I don't normally set goals for myself moreso ideals for my future but for reference of accountability let's just plan some things out now.
By this time next year I'd like to.... in a bigger apartment
...get a promotion at work
...have a solid savings account with investments towards my future even better with my money
...see the blog continue to grow a healthier lifestyle
...take less cabs
...cook more food
...have traveled to Europe be closer with my (on the way) baby niece
...complete my New York checklist (post for another day)
See more here
And that's that peeps! If you ever have any questions about the city, let me know I'm here as a resource. Here are a few quick links for you: