I'm off to the Derby (Yay)! Alex from Lex What Wear was kind enough to be a part of my "What to Wear to a Baseball Game" series and represent the Reds. Alex is one of my blogger besties in NYC. She's also a fellow Kentucky girl so I'm so happy to have her. Make sure to check out her blog, Lex What Wear here. Thanks Alex!
Cincinnati Reds:
An MLB team situated in Cincinnati, OH and members of the National League Central division. The Reds are historically seen as the first professional baseball franchise, being established in 1881. They play their home games in Great American Ball Park and their colors are red, white and black. The Reds have won 5 World Series championships and 7 NL pennants.
My love for the game of baseball started at birth. When I say I was "born" a Reds fan, I mean it literally. My Dad was a hard-working, well-known sports writer in Lexington, Kentucky in 1988. This was the same year he found out he would have a baby girl (me). At this point in his career, he had covered nearly every major sporting event in or around the Lexington area, including every home Red's baseball game he could get into.
Cincinnati Reds:
An MLB team situated in Cincinnati, OH and members of the National League Central division. The Reds are historically seen as the first professional baseball franchise, being established in 1881. They play their home games in Great American Ball Park and their colors are red, white and black. The Reds have won 5 World Series championships and 7 NL pennants.
My love for the game of baseball started at birth. When I say I was "born" a Reds fan, I mean it literally. My Dad was a hard-working, well-known sports writer in Lexington, Kentucky in 1988. This was the same year he found out he would have a baby girl (me). At this point in his career, he had covered nearly every major sporting event in or around the Lexington area, including every home Red's baseball game he could get into.
As I grew up, and my dad's career path took a different route, but the passion our family had for the sport of baseball, and the Cincinnati Reds continued on. My Dad soon became a baseball coach to my brother and a group of his rowdy friends for the span of several years. I took to the dugout with them nearly every game for many seasons, reporting the stats and rooting on my boys. Baseball was simply a way of life for us.
Through my Dad's years of coaching and reporting, he made sure that we enjoyed the game and that we always rooted for our Reds, whether I watched them play in person, or listened to them on the front porch with my Grandaddy. Now as an adult, I can whole-heartedly say I am a Cincinnati fan. Most of you who know me well, know that I have a true love for the Reds, but I also have a true love for first baseman, #19 Joey Votto.
If Joey Votto isn't aware of my crazy-obsession by now, something is strangely wrong. I will go to any length to watch him and the Reds play in New York City, and of course I follow my man on Insta, Facebook, and Twitter #JoeyVottoFan. I mean, he redefines the "hot baseball player" stereotype. That being said, when I attend any Reds game, I must look sporty-cute. This entails some piece of Reds gear, red lipstick, and casual attire. I never know when my Joey-moment will happen, so this girl looks good for her baseball games.