Happy Friday from Nantucket!! This was my lewk for last nights dinner at Lola 41 (which was SO good!!) -- don't worry a new blog post will be coming with all we did, shopped and ate! Until then, here's a little update about my week:
What I bought:
-Everyone has been asking about my pearl heart earrings -- these are them!
-My pearl bag (featured above)
-This super cute two-piece red set
-And a camo t-shirt dress that is under $60!
NYC Life: This week in New York was a short one (same for next week) since I'm traveling during the week. Monday was a lot of running errands, workouts and trying to get things done for the rest of the week. Tuesday was more hunkering down and trying to get as much blog stuff done as possible before leaving for Nantucket. Then it was Nantucket Wednesday to Friday and we're just having the best time! I'll be sad to leave today :(
Favorite Finds:
-This Lilly bra and workout bottoms -- SO CUTE
-Love this pearl cashmere wrap
-Trying to be Patricia from southern charm in this caftan
-LIVING for this applique dress
-Very into t-shirt dresses lately and this has a price point you just can't beat
-Love this dress, hate the price
Weekend Plans: We head back to New York tonight so I'll probably spend a lot of my time working and catching up from the week. Andrew is at his bachelor party this weekend so we'll reunite on Sunday! Other than that, not much going on here!
A Must Watch: Dead to Me on Netflix. Its a super easy and fun show with little twists and turns that actually just got renewed for a second season! I've been hearing such great things and decided to give it a go. I really liked it!
A Must Read: Ashby's book review from earlier this week! I've been so bad about books lately but I loved having these reviews on the blog so Ashby is here to save the day. Coming in HOT with some great books.
Song of the Week: Spicy bu Herve Pagez & Diplo (feat. Charli XCX) -- if you love spice girls and want a fun summer beat, this is your new favorite song!!
Most Popular Item this Week: My favorite tank top of all time!! SO many of you bought this which I'm super happy about. Looks like white is sold out but black is fully in stock and now 30% off!!
Amazon Purchases of the Week: Bought lots of random stuff I just had sitting in my cart... enjoy lol
-Restocking my SPF moisturizer
-Two more colors of my favorite crop t-shirt
-An ice cream scoop